Services Offered
Email & SMS Marketing

Will your email work to catch the attention of the consumer? Will the marketing touch a chord?

Email and SMS Marketing

Will your email work to catch the attention of the consumer? Will the marketing touch a chord?

Email marketing is powerful but can also fall to deaf ears. We at Brands Bees, a leading Email Marketing agency in Pune, India provides Email Metrics, which is positioned to give you quantifiable open rates and click-through rates so you are always in control of your budgets. We provide reach and substance of your campaign with metrics like email tracking that will tell you whether it has been delivered, read, or deleted gaining no attention.

Our Team works towards creating the proposition with attractive designs and content so that the target market is hooked. The email tool might be outdated but gets you closer to subscribers with newsletters and other informative content. It loops the target market and gets your brand to enjoy unrestricted patronage. Get in touch with Brands Bees today so you get to find the flavors of using email marketing.

It’s no mystery that developing relationships with customers takes time. If you want to reach your customers, you can’t wait for them to come to you. Be proactive and go where they are. The customer is always busy, but not as much that they cannot check their mobile phone.

As people become more attached to their phones, text messages become the most direct line of contact. This has made text message marketing, or SMS marketing, one of the most effective forms of communicating with customers when done correctly.

We, at Brands Bees, are well aware of the fact that SMS marketing can get you prompt results. We create interesting content and use the medium to reach your target market in a matter of seconds.Our SMS marketing services will help you enjoy the most competitive way to enjoy unrestrained attention.

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